
Cancellations and refunds

You can cancel a booking or booking request whenever you need to. Refund eligibility and processing depends on when you cancel.

  • Booking requests (unconfirmed bookings) are reversible
    If you cancel a booking request (before the trailer owner has confirmed it), the temporary hold ("pending" transaction) on your card will be cancelled immediately. It might still appear as "pending" in your online banking or your banking app until your bank processes the cancellation, which usually happens within a few minutes or hours. Once the bank processes the cancellation, the transaction will disappear from your online banking completely.
  • Confirmed bookings cancelled more than 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time are refunded
    If your booking is confirmed by the trailer owner and you cancel more than 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time, you'll receive a full refund. We issue the refund as soon as you cancel the booking. It may take several days to arrive in your bank or card account, depending on your bank's processing times.
  • Confirmed bookings that are cancelled less than 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time are not refunded
    If you cancel a confirmed booking less than 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time, then as per the Rental Contract, no refund will be provided.

How to cancel your booking

It's easy to cancel your booking on Local Trailer Hire. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log in

    Log in to your account on the website.

  2. Access "My bookings"

    Go to "My bookings." If you're using a mobile device, you can find the "My bookings" link via the burger menu in the top left corner after logging in. If you're on a computer, you can find the link at the top right of your screen.

  3. Select your booking

    Once you're on the bookings page, choose the booking you want to cancel.

  4. Cancel

    Press the "Cancel booking" or "Cancel booking request" button on the booking page.

Please remember that you can cancel at any time, but your refund depends on when you cancel.

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